I’m a Digital Marketer, Interdisciplinary Designer, Certified MBTI Administrator, Photographer and Proud INFJ.
I’m also a branding specialist, design school graduate, personality typing expert, detail-obsessed over-achiever, self-care activist, lover of beauty, world’s best runner of baths, and official chef of the house.
The point is, I’m not just ONE thing, and I bet that neither are you!
I want to help you live your most golden life - a life that resonates with who you are and makes you feel complete as a human. So, let’s get to it!
The Myers-Briggs
Type Indicator
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Assessment helps you explore your unique personality and achieve greater self-awareness to improve interpersonal relationships and personal well-being. We are a certified MBTI practioner and are here with you during your self-discovery journey every step of the way. Let’s discover who you are and where to go from here.
You deserve accurate results, especially if you’re using what you learn from us to make changes in your life. We compare our scientifically-validated assessments to other psychological assessments to make sure what we’re measuring isn’t changing. And we work with organizations like the British Psychological Association and American Psychological Association to meet the highest standards in personality psychology.
With over 70+ years of scientific research, you can trust that your assessment results are accurate, valid and backed by evidence.
This is where we share our wins, losses, discoveries and updates in real time. Whether it be free tips and tricks on personal and business growth, a new discovery that you need to know about, fresh off the press digital marketing tips and tricks or behind-the-scenes snapshots of my often times boring but oh-so-wonderful life, this is where you’ll find it all.
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The Hoop
We don’t believe in junk mail here. We are committed to sharing only value-driven, encouraging, inspiring and challenging topics and ideas that help you live a more golden life. So, are you in?