To Personal Brand or Not to Personal Brand: Exploring the Pros and Cons of Putting Your Name Out There.

As a certified personal brand strategist with a background in self development, I am thrilled to see the interest in developing a strong brand among those of you following along. Branding has always been a crucial aspect of my business decisions, and I take pride in the brand I have built today.

If I were to create a new brand from scratch today, I would prioritize my messaging over a logo or colour scheme. Don’t get me wrong - you know that I preach the value of a beautifully designed brand! But at the end of the day, a successful brand is so much more than that! A brand is about how your work or the way you show up makes someone feel, and it's essential to create a consistent message that resonates with your target audience and helps them know, like, and trust you.

While I still believe in starting with a well designed brand, whether you choose to opt for a personal brand or a branded business operating under it’s own unique name, is up to you and your future goals. For example, creating a brand that is not reliant on your namesake is crucial if you plan on growing a company that could potentially be sold or acquired. Whereas some have no intentions of creating a brand that will outgrow the owner and face of the company and in these instances, I say, keep it personal! Let your followers and clients fall in absolute love with who you are as an individual.

A personal brand is built around a person, typically the founder or spokesperson of a business. The brand is tied to the individual's personality, values, and expertise, and is often expressed through their personal story, voice, and image. The goal of a personal brand is to establish the individual as a thought leader, influencer, or authority in their field, and to create a connection with their audience based on trust, likability, and relatability.

On the other hand, a branded business is built around a product, service, or company. The brand is focused on the unique value proposition, mission, and personality of the business, and is expressed through its name, logo, messaging, and visual identity. The goal of a branded business is to differentiate itself from competitors, establish a recognizable and memorable identity, and create an emotional connection with its target audience based on the brand's promise and values.

Of course, as with all things, there can be some overlap, as a personal brand can be part of a branded business strategy, and a branded business can have a strong personality and voice that reflects the founder or team behind it. Considering your present and future goals and ambitions, will hopefully lead you in the best direction for you!


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