The Most Powerful Tool In My Branding Toolkit
MBTI Personality Typing & Creating A Strong Brand
As a marketer and brand strategist, I've found that understanding my clients' personality types through the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) can be a valuable tool in building better brands. In this blog, I'll share my process for using MBTI personality typing as a tool to build better brands for my clients.
Determine the client's personality type
The first step is to have my clients take a reliable MBTI assessment. This helps me understand their natural tendencies, preferences, and communication style. This information is valuable in understanding their strengths and weaknesses, their leadership style, and their overall approach to work and life.
Conduct research and analysis
Once I have identified the client's personality type, I conduct research and analysis to understand how their type influences their brand. For example, if the client is an INFJ (Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging), I research how INFJs typically communicate, what their values are, and what kind of visual design and messaging would resonate with them.
Develop brand positioning
Based on my research and analysis, I develop a brand positioning strategy that aligns with the client's personality type. This involves identifying their unique selling proposition, target audience, brand personality, and messaging.
Create visual design and messaging
Next, I use the brand positioning strategy to develop visual design and messaging that reflects the client's personality type. This includes creating a logo, color palette, typography, and imagery that resonate with the client's values and communication style. I also develop messaging that speaks directly to the target audience and aligns with the brand personality.
Test and refine
Finally, I test the brand positioning, visual design, and messaging with the client and their target audience to see how it resonates. Based on feedback, I refine the branding elements as needed to ensure it aligns with the client's personality type and effectively communicates their unique value proposition.
Using MBTI personality typing as a tool to build better brands can be a valuable asset in helping clients stand out in a crowded marketplace. By understanding their personality type and how it influences their communication style and values, we can create a brand that truly resonates with their target audience and reflects their unique personality. By taking the time to understand their personality type, we can create a brand that not only looks great but feels authentic and truly represents who they are.